yesterday was the net outreach - baking. (: we baked chocolate chip cookies. in the end, 3 nets combined. and ian, lester, reuel and justin were playing with their nerf guns. bro. micheal came, and he joined in -.- well, we talked while waiting for the cookies to bake. the cookies were yummy. (: something really funny happened, ezabella's friend came to the door selling ice-cream. then we crowd around the door, claiming we are her siblings. then elizabeth came and said she was the real sibling. andand rachelyeo said she was her .. distant.. sibling. and reuel said he was adopted! LOL HAHA.
today was HOTDOG HOLOCAUST! oh my, it was busy and tiring. but fun!
i arrived at 2.50pm+ to go help out with some cleaning stuff. but was informed that i do not need to come so early actually, so i went back to eat before coming down again. then the checking of toilets and stuff was fast. so people came and recruited people to help cook hotdogs. in the end, i ended up helping to cook the hotdogs. (: it was fun! my job was to go rounds from the toilet to the 'cooking room', collecting water from the toilet to defrost the hotdogs. helped to unpack the hotdogs from their packaging. it was freezing, too much ice.
you would never know what happened inside. muahaha. how the hotdogs were handled. how the mineral water came along. stuff like that. hahaha. 'behind the scene' stuff. hilarious! there was this sort of agreement that james, j.l, jason (i think) would shave their hair bald if there were 600 people. and someone came to the cooking room and counted the number of people inside twice. hahaha.
the hotdogs were brought in the sanctuary. where all the contestants were. and people started stuffing themselves with hotdogs. and some even drank the secret ingredient directly from the cup. which consists of tobasco sauce, wasabi, brown food colouring? mixed together = eww. and we watched them, waiting for people to puke. :x and we were standing on chairs behind to witness the event, cos too many people were standing up. i was trying to gain my balance and accidentally elbowed the lights off. (not the whole room, one part). whew. XD
after all the action, we cleaned up. and its our region's duty for clean up this week ): the heaviest team got like few boxes of pizza for their dinner la! so good, and i cleant after them. hahaha. XD there were many boxes of extra hotdogs!so they placed outside for all to eat.after a while, it all disappeared. lol. i wanted more (: although there were alot of people who touched those hotdogs already..
took some random shots with my spoilt camera. (: yes, and i want to sleep now. tomorrow's gdop! :D exciteddddddd! :D
cookie good (:
Saturday, May 30, 2009
yes, yesterday was net outreach. (:
the cookies were nice. (:
in the end, 3 nets combined into 1.
and elizabeth's mother gave us chicken soup thingy.
it was delicious la, like a bit salty then the meat so soft. XD
its never too late to say yes! :D
get your hotdogs!
Thursday, May 28, 2009
courtesy of juliana's drawing. haha. (:
HOTDOG HOLOCAUST! BE THERE OR BE SQUARE! seriously consider going, witness the first ever hotdog eating competition at theEDGE! :D gogogo! :D yes, GOOO! :D
yay, holidays are around the corner. and i better stop procrastinating. like seriously, stop.
and i feel like smacking you right in the face, so stop it. argh.
hotdog holocaustttt!
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Monday, May 25, 2009
the weather is terrible! too hot! omgosh! rawr!
today was the games thingy day. part of the post-exams activities. why are they still stressing us out after the exams?! the games were not fun at all! making us bake under the sun. we could melt already lor! wouldn't we fall sick easily with all this heat. they don't spare a thought for us. ahh. games were supposed to be fun! but its not... soccer is hard you know...
ooh, this week's going to be action-packed! friday's the net outreach. and we're going to bakee! saturday's HOTDOG HOLOCAUST! (view the videos at or at facebook!) WOAH! GOGOGO! it's a hotdog eating competition. (: sunday will be my first time going to the gdop. and i am exciteddd. :D why is my camera not working at this time?! argh.
then it'll be the holidays! omgosh, yay! i better not procrastinate now! :D
KIARRA IS SO CUTE! :D But it's a pity she has to go back to melbourne. i am really sad lor. last time lydia left for vietnam. butttt, now she's back! yay! :D
Kiarra is really cuteeeeeeeeee! She's so chubby and nice to carry. And clings to you like a koala bear. She has rosy cheeks and runs alot. She's totally adorable lor! HUGS! :D
i lost my blue pilot g-tec! this is like so sad. ): if anyone sees it in class, it should be mine. haha, i only know yijun uses it and i dont think anyone else do. pleasepleaseplease. tell me if you see a g-tec. lol. i really want it backkk. :D
thanks Herman for the earlyyyy birthday "treat". haha - strawberry yoghurt fruit drink thingy. :D
these few days have been very tiring. maybe that explains why i slept on the ground, during my nap yesterday. or maybe its the effect of weird dreams. like when i got chased by a bee in semb. building. or when i took a lift with a big hole on the ground. weird huh. ._.
but i am glad i had enough sleep yesterday. haha. yay, and i FINALLY washed my dirtyyy pencil case! :D an achievement, ahahaha. XD
i surrender all
Thursday, May 21, 2009
All that i am is Yours All that i have is Yours I give You my heart and soul Lord, i'm Yours
Lord everyday is Yours Lord every breath is Yours I'm giving my life to You Lord i'm Yours
You alone are worthy of all praise You alone are worthy of all praise
I surrender all to You I surrender all to You I am nothing without You Jesus Christ, take my life It's all for You
Pam Seaward's messages are POWERful! Margaret Seaward too! :D They could consider asking them for CGS. Since currently, we don't have a speaker. :D
Some updates. Results are good, i am happy. Thank God! :D and my 555 notebook was of good use for math. yay!
went to the bangladesh workers' quarters yesterday. haha, we copied down their details. although its hard to communicate, considering they don't know english. haha, they were so happy when they won the lucky draw. there was this cat with 8 kittens. although i dislike cats, butttt the kittens were cutee! and Harish was all busy taking photos of them. which reminds me of my broken camera. ): aww, hope it works before youth camp. :)
today was the maths trail. it wasn't fun at all. and i wasn't really doing my part as a leader. sorry, oops. :x the weather was bad. and i hate area. -.- LOL, woucher. HAHAHA. :x HAHAHA *bangs table* okay. went to Cass' house afterwards. played kungfu chaos. teamed with Sijia, haha, we lost all the way. to Cass and Mingy Hui ): they pro lor, we play till our hands ache. then i left halfway, cos i need to go (:
and i am already in a holiday-ing mood. i'm ready, i'm ready, i'm ready for holidayysssssss! :D
we serve a BIG God!
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
God is bigger than the air I breathe The world we'll leave God will save the day and all will say My glorious!
sometimes we just really don't realise... how BIG our God is. like helloooo. He created this whole universe. and we still doubt His goodness. how foolish of me to do that. well, now i know. (:
I just thank God for being so wonderful in my life. seeing me through the toughest moment. all i can say that i'm greatful, very. (:
the results i have now, is all because of the God i serve. (: i'm serious, God is awesome. (: i give glory to Him. (: what Bro. Michael said makes sense at net rally (: well, i think that the marks i achieve, seriously have to go to God. (: reallyreallyreally! now you know the secret to my success! :D i don't know what i'll do without Him (: the few exams i thought i couldn't score well, but i did. well, that's because i serve a faithful God. and He will never fail. :D
"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. " (:
i'm coming Your way
Monday, May 18, 2009
this year's youth-gdop, be sure to be there! haha :D
Jesus, I'm coming Your way... (:
Hotdog Holocaust
Sunday, May 17, 2009
haha, so cute right the hotdogs.
the video is on facebook.
you should see it, its hilarious.
may 16 2009, a day which we will all remember...
haha, edge service was awesome as usual.
and it's seraphine's birthday! (:
Net Rally
Saturday, May 16, 2009
i seriously don't know what to blog about. but too bad for the upper sec. hahahaha, it rhymes! XD okay, nevermind. -.-
i've been wanting to blog about many various things. but just that i don't have the time to and by now, i've forgotten about it already.
pity those who still have to go school. alot primary school students went school, i saw when i left home.
okay, i shall post about net rally! it was awesome. the food was awesome. what happened earlier before it was NOT awesome. i am not going to say what. don't try guessing either. its too embarrassing to be up here. it was one day before seraphine's birthday. we went to her house to give her a surprise. its fun to plan surprises. funfunfun! :D
serious the food at net rally was nice. the 'hashballs' was nice. there was jap chicken, toast, lasagne, desert, mushroom soup, salad and various drinks. the games were fun too! serious. r1n2 comes up with good games okay. we played who am i, where names of other people are stuck on our backs. and we go around asking ppl to describe. haha, it was quite obvious with all the clues given. XD oops. then we played whacko. i tell you, whacko is a nice game! really, funfun! haha. then we had a time of worship, sharing. and the intro of the new nets, leaders and some other announcements. hahaha. :D okay, net discussion. then left for home. (:
Thursday, May 14, 2009
ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! it could be much longer... ahahahahahahahahahahaha! muahahahahah!
haha, the colours of life is back! at least its more colourful -.-
ahh, the exams are finally over! finally, after a torturing period of 3 weeks (minus 11 days) of exams, it's FINALLY over!
i could like go jumping around my house. but i think it wouldn't be a good idea. the better idea is to blog about it. :D okay, makes no sense. butttttt. it is something to be blogged about! yay! now, i can strike that want of my craving list. (:
i still owe people presents, and there are more to come. oh nooo. ): nevermind, exams are over! woooooohoooooo! :D yayyayyayyayyayyayyayyayyayyayyayyayyayyayyay! yay!!! sorry, i am just very excited and happy. (:
yay youth camp! yay pre-youth camp shopping! yay holidays! yay fun! yay freedom! yayyyyyyyyyy! :D
this post should be purple, because i like it! :D and because it ... should be purple. you should know why. :D
Exam Blues
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
have you ever noticed how dull your life suddenly seemed to be with exams? really, its like dull and black. and you have a sad life. all because of exams. what's exams doing to us?! ahh. LOL. but fear not! there's only one paper left! MATHSMATHSMATHSMATHS! WOOHOO! and how the colours of your life suddenly come back to its original place after exam. yea, i wanna experience that tomorrow! okay, its kinda lame, but who cares. EXAMS ARE ENDING TOMORROW! :D
say goodbye to exams and hello to holidays and freedom! :D
God Never Fails
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
I serve a God who is faithful,
He will never fail
When I am in the desert, He's the river of hope.
I serve a God who is faithful,
His faithfulness prevails
Lord I put my trust in You.
I serve a God who is faithful and true.
I will hide in the shelter of Your wings,
I will find my rest, in Your faithfulness.
Yes i serve a faithful God.
yes, we serve a God that's faithful. (: He will never ever ever ever fail us. He's always there for us, backing us up. We can always trust in Him, knowing He is always there for us, always. It's so comforting to know we can be under His protection. He will protect us, love us, and we can just relax under His presence. Our God is a very faithful, that's a very true fact. And nothing beats having a God like Him. (: Thank You Jesus... (:
maybe only in times of trouble or need, then do we realise how great You are, and that You will always be there for us. I guess that's what just hit me right in the head.
show mercy; get mercy
Friday, May 8, 2009
the title is the after effect of literature. haha. merchant of venice.
crap, my nail just broke... now i have to cut all of them, to make things even. argh.
and what's wrong with imeem. its been playing songs for only 0:30seconds. i heard we have to pay for the whole thing. i guess.
there's this whole craze in facebook. a quiz, 'How well do you know me?' haha, people are getting borderline, 50% pass for mine. and i am glad literature is over. it's tiring to be continuosly writing for 1 hour and 40 minutes. but after you are done, the feeling is ... shiok. LOL. like you write so long and finally you are done. and you can stretch. okay, what nonsense. nevermind me. (:
i am going to start saving for youth camp and pre-youth camp shopping now! :D
You reign
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Psalms 34:4
I sought the LORD, and he answered me;
he delivered me from all my fears.
i've tried hell's kitchen game and its fun! go and try it. (:
see what did i tell you. time literally flies. art's gone, so is geography and maths paper 1. what to say. left lit tmr and 3 more next week. i can't wait! (: i don't want to commend about maths, wait till the papers are back (: ooh, it rhymes! i don't want to speak to soon. oh welll. (:
and thank you wendy! :D
okay, how should i end this. hmmmm, lol, okay i am going to study lit now. (:
things never seem much brighter. i was refering to the blowed lamp outside my house, corridor. it was light-less for a month or so. we've been living in the dark, not exactly. oh, who cares, it's fixed now. (:
typical singaporeans
Monday, May 4, 2009
what just happened is something one should blog about. haha! me, herman, yit ling and sher er were at popular. then this lady came up and wanted to borrow a popular card. cos she bought a toy for her child that is expensive. so, taking pity. haha no lah, being kind. hahahaha. -.- i lent it to her. the small boy came and return it to me. then another lady came up to me and wanted to borrow it too. LOL, so i just lent it to her... then i lent it to herman and yit ling to pay for their markers. then another man asked from herman! LOL! how kiasu can that get, omgosh. LOL. so herman lent it to him. we left quickly, lest i get 'harrassed' by people who wants to borrow the card. ahhhhh. hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! :D
Sunday, May 3, 2009
okay, actually i don't know what to update too. nevermind, i am just soooo excited for exams to finish. AND FOR YOUTH CAMP! WOAHHHH! AHHHH! I SERIOUSLY CANNOT WAIT!!! Charissa, Charlene and Jenna, my room buddies! :D Planning to go shopping before youth camp too! Ahhhhhhhhh! i can't wait! omgosh, words can't express my excitement. i am seriously very the excited! :D
and why is everyone playing hell's kitchen in facebook? i am going to try! :D
you gotta be true.
A wordy profile, but READ! :D
I am Rachel Sim and i love my name!
I know of 6 friends with the same name!(:
I am born on the 5th of June.
I am a Child of God and I am proud to say that!
I love me because i am faithfully and wonderfully made in His image! :D
♥ God, theEDGE, royal purple, amethyst, wisteria, kids! mango milk ice, fries, MnM's, gummies, skittles, dove amicelli, chocolates, photography, history, baking, making cards, morning glories.
wish upon a star
NLT Bible Christmas Cards! Purple Crumpler :D Purple Crocs :D Purple backpack :D Havaianas Slippers :D Converse :D Flats! (: DSLR! A new phone! An Ipod!
yesterday was the net outreach - baking. (: we baked chocolate chip cookies. in the end, 3 nets combined. and ian, lester, reuel and justin were playing with their nerf guns. bro. micheal came, and he joined in -.- well, we talked while waiting for the cookies to bake. the cookies were yummy. (: something really funny happened, ezabella's friend came to the door selling ice-cream. then we crowd around the door, claiming we are her siblings. then elizabeth came and said she was the real sibling. andand rachelyeo said she was her .. distant.. sibling. and reuel said he was adopted! LOL HAHA.
today was HOTDOG HOLOCAUST! oh my, it was busy and tiring. but fun!
i arrived at 2.50pm+ to go help out with some cleaning stuff. but was informed that i do not need to come so early actually, so i went back to eat before coming down again. then the checking of toilets and stuff was fast. so people came and recruited people to help cook hotdogs. in the end, i ended up helping to cook the hotdogs. (: it was fun! my job was to go rounds from the toilet to the 'cooking room', collecting water from the toilet to defrost the hotdogs. helped to unpack the hotdogs from their packaging. it was freezing, too much ice.
you would never know what happened inside. muahaha. how the hotdogs were handled. how the mineral water came along. stuff like that. hahaha. 'behind the scene' stuff. hilarious! there was this sort of agreement that james, j.l, jason (i think) would shave their hair bald if there were 600 people. and someone came to the cooking room and counted the number of people inside twice. hahaha.
the hotdogs were brought in the sanctuary. where all the contestants were. and people started stuffing themselves with hotdogs. and some even drank the secret ingredient directly from the cup. which consists of tobasco sauce, wasabi, brown food colouring? mixed together = eww. and we watched them, waiting for people to puke. :x and we were standing on chairs behind to witness the event, cos too many people were standing up. i was trying to gain my balance and accidentally elbowed the lights off. (not the whole room, one part). whew. XD
after all the action, we cleaned up. and its our region's duty for clean up this week ): the heaviest team got like few boxes of pizza for their dinner la! so good, and i cleant after them. hahaha. XD there were many boxes of extra hotdogs!so they placed outside for all to eat.after a while, it all disappeared. lol. i wanted more (: although there were alot of people who touched those hotdogs already..
took some random shots with my spoilt camera. (: yes, and i want to sleep now. tomorrow's gdop! :D exciteddddddd! :D
cookie good (:
Saturday, May 30, 2009
yes, yesterday was net outreach. (:
the cookies were nice. (:
in the end, 3 nets combined into 1.
and elizabeth's mother gave us chicken soup thingy.
it was delicious la, like a bit salty then the meat so soft. XD
its never too late to say yes! :D
get your hotdogs!
Thursday, May 28, 2009
courtesy of juliana's drawing. haha. (:
HOTDOG HOLOCAUST! BE THERE OR BE SQUARE! seriously consider going, witness the first ever hotdog eating competition at theEDGE! :D gogogo! :D yes, GOOO! :D
yay, holidays are around the corner. and i better stop procrastinating. like seriously, stop.
and i feel like smacking you right in the face, so stop it. argh.
hotdog holocaustttt!
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Monday, May 25, 2009
the weather is terrible! too hot! omgosh! rawr!
today was the games thingy day. part of the post-exams activities. why are they still stressing us out after the exams?! the games were not fun at all! making us bake under the sun. we could melt already lor! wouldn't we fall sick easily with all this heat. they don't spare a thought for us. ahh. games were supposed to be fun! but its not... soccer is hard you know...
ooh, this week's going to be action-packed! friday's the net outreach. and we're going to bakee! saturday's HOTDOG HOLOCAUST! (view the videos at or at facebook!) WOAH! GOGOGO! it's a hotdog eating competition. (: sunday will be my first time going to the gdop. and i am exciteddd. :D why is my camera not working at this time?! argh.
then it'll be the holidays! omgosh, yay! i better not procrastinate now! :D
KIARRA IS SO CUTE! :D But it's a pity she has to go back to melbourne. i am really sad lor. last time lydia left for vietnam. butttt, now she's back! yay! :D
Kiarra is really cuteeeeeeeeee! She's so chubby and nice to carry. And clings to you like a koala bear. She has rosy cheeks and runs alot. She's totally adorable lor! HUGS! :D
i lost my blue pilot g-tec! this is like so sad. ): if anyone sees it in class, it should be mine. haha, i only know yijun uses it and i dont think anyone else do. pleasepleaseplease. tell me if you see a g-tec. lol. i really want it backkk. :D
thanks Herman for the earlyyyy birthday "treat". haha - strawberry yoghurt fruit drink thingy. :D
these few days have been very tiring. maybe that explains why i slept on the ground, during my nap yesterday. or maybe its the effect of weird dreams. like when i got chased by a bee in semb. building. or when i took a lift with a big hole on the ground. weird huh. ._.
but i am glad i had enough sleep yesterday. haha. yay, and i FINALLY washed my dirtyyy pencil case! :D an achievement, ahahaha. XD
i surrender all
Thursday, May 21, 2009
All that i am is Yours All that i have is Yours I give You my heart and soul Lord, i'm Yours
Lord everyday is Yours Lord every breath is Yours I'm giving my life to You Lord i'm Yours
You alone are worthy of all praise You alone are worthy of all praise
I surrender all to You I surrender all to You I am nothing without You Jesus Christ, take my life It's all for You
Pam Seaward's messages are POWERful! Margaret Seaward too! :D They could consider asking them for CGS. Since currently, we don't have a speaker. :D
Some updates. Results are good, i am happy. Thank God! :D and my 555 notebook was of good use for math. yay!
went to the bangladesh workers' quarters yesterday. haha, we copied down their details. although its hard to communicate, considering they don't know english. haha, they were so happy when they won the lucky draw. there was this cat with 8 kittens. although i dislike cats, butttt the kittens were cutee! and Harish was all busy taking photos of them. which reminds me of my broken camera. ): aww, hope it works before youth camp. :)
today was the maths trail. it wasn't fun at all. and i wasn't really doing my part as a leader. sorry, oops. :x the weather was bad. and i hate area. -.- LOL, woucher. HAHAHA. :x HAHAHA *bangs table* okay. went to Cass' house afterwards. played kungfu chaos. teamed with Sijia, haha, we lost all the way. to Cass and Mingy Hui ): they pro lor, we play till our hands ache. then i left halfway, cos i need to go (:
and i am already in a holiday-ing mood. i'm ready, i'm ready, i'm ready for holidayysssssss! :D
we serve a BIG God!
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
God is bigger than the air I breathe The world we'll leave God will save the day and all will say My glorious!
sometimes we just really don't realise... how BIG our God is. like helloooo. He created this whole universe. and we still doubt His goodness. how foolish of me to do that. well, now i know. (:
I just thank God for being so wonderful in my life. seeing me through the toughest moment. all i can say that i'm greatful, very. (:
the results i have now, is all because of the God i serve. (: i'm serious, God is awesome. (: i give glory to Him. (: what Bro. Michael said makes sense at net rally (: well, i think that the marks i achieve, seriously have to go to God. (: reallyreallyreally! now you know the secret to my success! :D i don't know what i'll do without Him (: the few exams i thought i couldn't score well, but i did. well, that's because i serve a faithful God. and He will never fail. :D
"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. " (:
i'm coming Your way
Monday, May 18, 2009
this year's youth-gdop, be sure to be there! haha :D
Jesus, I'm coming Your way... (:
Hotdog Holocaust
Sunday, May 17, 2009
haha, so cute right the hotdogs.
the video is on facebook.
you should see it, its hilarious.
may 16 2009, a day which we will all remember...
haha, edge service was awesome as usual.
and it's seraphine's birthday! (:
Net Rally
Saturday, May 16, 2009
i seriously don't know what to blog about. but too bad for the upper sec. hahahaha, it rhymes! XD okay, nevermind. -.-
i've been wanting to blog about many various things. but just that i don't have the time to and by now, i've forgotten about it already.
pity those who still have to go school. alot primary school students went school, i saw when i left home.
okay, i shall post about net rally! it was awesome. the food was awesome. what happened earlier before it was NOT awesome. i am not going to say what. don't try guessing either. its too embarrassing to be up here. it was one day before seraphine's birthday. we went to her house to give her a surprise. its fun to plan surprises. funfunfun! :D
serious the food at net rally was nice. the 'hashballs' was nice. there was jap chicken, toast, lasagne, desert, mushroom soup, salad and various drinks. the games were fun too! serious. r1n2 comes up with good games okay. we played who am i, where names of other people are stuck on our backs. and we go around asking ppl to describe. haha, it was quite obvious with all the clues given. XD oops. then we played whacko. i tell you, whacko is a nice game! really, funfun! haha. then we had a time of worship, sharing. and the intro of the new nets, leaders and some other announcements. hahaha. :D okay, net discussion. then left for home. (:
Thursday, May 14, 2009
ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! it could be much longer... ahahahahahahahahahahaha! muahahahahah!
haha, the colours of life is back! at least its more colourful -.-
ahh, the exams are finally over! finally, after a torturing period of 3 weeks (minus 11 days) of exams, it's FINALLY over!
i could like go jumping around my house. but i think it wouldn't be a good idea. the better idea is to blog about it. :D okay, makes no sense. butttttt. it is something to be blogged about! yay! now, i can strike that want of my craving list. (:
i still owe people presents, and there are more to come. oh nooo. ): nevermind, exams are over! woooooohoooooo! :D yayyayyayyayyayyayyayyayyayyayyayyayyayyayyay! yay!!! sorry, i am just very excited and happy. (:
yay youth camp! yay pre-youth camp shopping! yay holidays! yay fun! yay freedom! yayyyyyyyyyy! :D
this post should be purple, because i like it! :D and because it ... should be purple. you should know why. :D
Exam Blues
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
have you ever noticed how dull your life suddenly seemed to be with exams? really, its like dull and black. and you have a sad life. all because of exams. what's exams doing to us?! ahh. LOL. but fear not! there's only one paper left! MATHSMATHSMATHSMATHS! WOOHOO! and how the colours of your life suddenly come back to its original place after exam. yea, i wanna experience that tomorrow! okay, its kinda lame, but who cares. EXAMS ARE ENDING TOMORROW! :D
say goodbye to exams and hello to holidays and freedom! :D
God Never Fails
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
I serve a God who is faithful,
He will never fail
When I am in the desert, He's the river of hope.
I serve a God who is faithful,
His faithfulness prevails
Lord I put my trust in You.
I serve a God who is faithful and true.
I will hide in the shelter of Your wings,
I will find my rest, in Your faithfulness.
Yes i serve a faithful God.
yes, we serve a God that's faithful. (: He will never ever ever ever fail us. He's always there for us, backing us up. We can always trust in Him, knowing He is always there for us, always. It's so comforting to know we can be under His protection. He will protect us, love us, and we can just relax under His presence. Our God is a very faithful, that's a very true fact. And nothing beats having a God like Him. (: Thank You Jesus... (:
maybe only in times of trouble or need, then do we realise how great You are, and that You will always be there for us. I guess that's what just hit me right in the head.
show mercy; get mercy
Friday, May 8, 2009
the title is the after effect of literature. haha. merchant of venice.
crap, my nail just broke... now i have to cut all of them, to make things even. argh.
and what's wrong with imeem. its been playing songs for only 0:30seconds. i heard we have to pay for the whole thing. i guess.
there's this whole craze in facebook. a quiz, 'How well do you know me?' haha, people are getting borderline, 50% pass for mine. and i am glad literature is over. it's tiring to be continuosly writing for 1 hour and 40 minutes. but after you are done, the feeling is ... shiok. LOL. like you write so long and finally you are done. and you can stretch. okay, what nonsense. nevermind me. (:
i am going to start saving for youth camp and pre-youth camp shopping now! :D
You reign
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Psalms 34:4
I sought the LORD, and he answered me;
he delivered me from all my fears.
i've tried hell's kitchen game and its fun! go and try it. (:
see what did i tell you. time literally flies. art's gone, so is geography and maths paper 1. what to say. left lit tmr and 3 more next week. i can't wait! (: i don't want to commend about maths, wait till the papers are back (: ooh, it rhymes! i don't want to speak to soon. oh welll. (:
and thank you wendy! :D
okay, how should i end this. hmmmm, lol, okay i am going to study lit now. (:
things never seem much brighter. i was refering to the blowed lamp outside my house, corridor. it was light-less for a month or so. we've been living in the dark, not exactly. oh, who cares, it's fixed now. (:
typical singaporeans
Monday, May 4, 2009
what just happened is something one should blog about. haha! me, herman, yit ling and sher er were at popular. then this lady came up and wanted to borrow a popular card. cos she bought a toy for her child that is expensive. so, taking pity. haha no lah, being kind. hahahaha. -.- i lent it to her. the small boy came and return it to me. then another lady came up to me and wanted to borrow it too. LOL, so i just lent it to her... then i lent it to herman and yit ling to pay for their markers. then another man asked from herman! LOL! how kiasu can that get, omgosh. LOL. so herman lent it to him. we left quickly, lest i get 'harrassed' by people who wants to borrow the card. ahhhhh. hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! :D
Sunday, May 3, 2009
okay, actually i don't know what to update too. nevermind, i am just soooo excited for exams to finish. AND FOR YOUTH CAMP! WOAHHHH! AHHHH! I SERIOUSLY CANNOT WAIT!!! Charissa, Charlene and Jenna, my room buddies! :D Planning to go shopping before youth camp too! Ahhhhhhhhh! i can't wait! omgosh, words can't express my excitement. i am seriously very the excited! :D
and why is everyone playing hell's kitchen in facebook? i am going to try! :D