It was a pretty good one. Just that we didn't have much places to visit. On the first day, when to my maternal grandma's place. We just sit around and play. Eat goodies, and BAGUA! :D BAGUA good :) We played bingo, and had curry chicken and grandma's soup. LOL, i meant she always cook the same type of soup but its nice. :) And her curry chicken is yumyum too! :D Went home at late evening. Watched Little Nonya's big reunion. Hahaha. xD The next day, went to my grandmother's house again. Cos the other side of the family is coming. After, we went to erm, gu gong's house? Ate there, courtesy of Gugong. haha :D But almost all is like seafood :x Later went home and packed and slept. -.- As you can see, this year's chinese new year wasn't that fun for me. Actually its one of the worst cnys. lol okay nevermind. :D But at least there's 2 days break from school, they should at least make 3 days lor! xD
And yes, finally its friday, the end of the week. :D This week was okay. Just that a few changes to the parts i am playing for syf. Argh.
Busier Week
Saturday, January 24, 2009
This week had really been a busy week for me. Busier than last week. With all the assignments we need to hand up, Especially, reading log. All the late nights. ): Ahaha, finally it's over. The CNY performance too! :D I'm happy :) And i got hit in the face by a frisbee. That, no. -.- Ahh, just now go net. Then there's this cat who kept meow-ing. Ahh, then it like follow me, then i started running. After, i ran back to the lift and saw Jenna's maid, hurried to the lift, before the cat come in. AHH so scary. ._. Okay, nevermind. Had a great time at net! :D
Corporate Sunday Service
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Our positioning :)
Sorry for the super late update. Haha, been busy.
Corporate Service was funnnnn! Woke up a earlier, to catch the early bus for early people going early to help out. -.- I had ushering, so went earlier. :D Reported. Then got all the stuff, and went to book seats :D Later, we got into position. And greet those who were coming in. LOL, i forget what 'middle' in chinese is, and was trying to tell the lady that the chinese con. was in the 'zhong jian'. xD Later, service. :D After service, waited for the people to finish their work. Dismantling etc. Saw Jonan, soooo cuteee xD Omgoshy! :P Later we took the train down to Changi Airport. Almost every region was going to Popeye's We went to Popeye's for lunch! It is super nice, never try it before. Nicenice lor, but i was too full to drink the whole cup. ): Then we after finished, we went to the Viewing Hall 3. Where we played Murderer. Wahaha, funfunnn! We played until 4pm+ then we left for Choa Chu Kang. Wanted to compete who reach there the fastest, but in the end, they took the bus too. Reached evening service quite late. :x Alan Dass preached! :D I almost forget my paper bag after the service. XD Took the church bus home. :) Had lotsandlots of fun!
Happy Birthday Andrew!
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Although you got bird-shitted twice,
Plus, on your birthday! :x
God Bless Youuuuuuuu!
Have a blessed birthday! :D
Should let you try the peanut chew, haha.
But too bad, there's no more -.-
This is a very nice snack.
It doesn't look that nice, but it taste like Snickers!
With the sticky peanut filling inside and chocolate coating outside! :D
Yummm! :D
P.S: I have muscle cramps on my legs and hands. ): Painful. ):
" Sin will keep us from praying. Praying will keep us from sinning. "
2)Can R&S be together in BGR? [Rachel & Seraphine] --- They are girls :D 3)How is L related to you? [Lejia] ---Friend :D 4)Does Y know Z?? [Yeyu & Zhini] ---No 5)If C betrays you,will yo u kill him/her? [Cassandra] --- Maybe? :P 6)If K steals your boyfriend/girlfriend,wat would you do? [KaiQian] --- -.- 7)What if B tells u that he/she has a crush on you? [Bryan] --- LOL, she's a girl :D 8)Will you and M get into a fight? [MingHui] ---I don't think so? ... No?! :D 9)Who does R have a crush on? [Rachel] --- Mr Purple (Too!) 10)If G calls you a bitch,what would you do? [Germaine] --- Nothing? Cos she won't? -.- 11)What's the relationship between you and E? [Esther] --- She's my cousin. 12)Who is I' best friend? [Issac] -- Richard? Samuel? 13)Who does Z likes? [Zhini] ---I don't know. ._. 14)What colour does Y like?[Yeyu] --- Pink :D 15)Where does G lives? [Grace] --- Woodlands? 16)Did you and C have a fight Before? [Cassandra] --- Of course not. :D 17)Who is H's best Friend? [Herman] --- I don't know? 18)What can you say about T? [ Timothy ] --- Brother Derek's son 19)What if W tells you that he/she has a crush on you? [Wendy] --- HAHA, LOL. HAHAHAHA. SHE'S A GIRL! xD
20)Tag 10 ppl to do this quiz - Anyone who wants to do this :D
Busy Week
Friday, January 16, 2009
"Busy Busy dreadfully busy..." Sorry i just remembered that from VeggieTales XD Haha.
It has been a very busy 2nd week of school. VERY. With loads of homework, not really. But because of the rehearsals that cause me to go home late, and i dont have much time to do anything. ): But I'M COUNTING ON GOD! :D
Today, i got scratched by the razor in my father's van, that when he turned, my knee was on it, and it somehow got scratched, which hurts! ): I didn't notice it at first, until i like touched it, then eh o.o, why wetwet one. Blood, ahh pain -.- Now i going to have a injured right knee, and Cassy have a injured left leg. Haha, hi-five. :D
So a quick update before i rush to do my things and go to NET! (: Yes, it's friday! Muahaha, finally. Can sleep late today :D Haha. As you can see, i am trying to make my post lengthy. Cos its getting shorter and shorter each post. xD
Youth camp highlights
Saturday, January 10, 2009
If there's time, i'll load pictures. :x Oh ya, that's my group, JUSTICE, with the Fly kite cheer. Nice right. Haha.
Friday, January 9, 2009
Okay, i know i am a little late. But better late than never right? :D
Watchnight service was a blast! But it was blast-er than last year's. ._. The skit was shorter. ): They should act more xD Reached there. :) The place was packeeeeeed! Sat in the middle row. They have a few performances and stuff. First it was worship. :) Then the children's performances. I think the performance for the erm, what's that. The puppet show! It rocks! The song is superrrrrr cuteee! God is bigger than the buggi man, He's bigger than gozilla and the monster tv!~~ And the glow-in-the-dark thingy was cool too! Then it was this super cuteeeeee girl named Megan? 5 years old. She was playing the violin, erm the song was We are the reason - Avalon? So cool! See the video! :D And it was the winning team of 180 dance, Region11/12 performed. Their dance was cute, especially the starting part. :) There was games too. Don't forget the Christian lyrics. Hahahaha. Our region XD Then had some more worship. I went to the toilet halfway. Superrrr crowded. So ah-hem. Nevermind. x) Went back, had break, foood. But we queued so long, and almost all the food were gone. Aha, Nicholas so cuteee! x)))) Went back and sat on the floor. Because the chinese con. joined us. (: Had games, the one we played in youth camp'07. The spinning and doing the actions. ._. Then we had skit from the overseers. Haha, caring community. "The Good Sammiritan." So funny!!! Pastor Yeen Fun, LOL, Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah. HAHAHA. Then Pastor Han speaked he's last famine. Then the popper thingy popped before we even count down. And my watch beeped at 12am halfway when Pastor Han was preaching. xD Okay played with the confettis on the floor. Haha, got a purple balloon, which burst in my arms. And Kylie gave me hers :) Then it was burst by Nigel. -.- Okay. Nvm :) We later went to Yishun building for Movie-Makan night! First we went there, hanged around, talked. Before we left for Bukit Timah at 2am. For foood! Sat with Candy and Adilia :) Ate the teochew porridge Then bought some erm, teh bing. ._. Okay okay, but it was too sweet. Timothy suggested blowing into it which form bubbles. And it worked! So its just nice :) Then we sat the bus back. Then we started to play a few rounds of murderer! Which is so funnnnnnnnn! Polar bear edition. Supersupersupersupersupersupersuper fun! Then people started leaving and going to watch the different movies screening in the rooms. But we continued playing until it got so boring. :x I guessed we like played it the entire time there? Haha. But it was fun. Sooo tired. So we went home and i slept from 6am+ to like erm, 2pm+? Had alot of fun!!! :D
Thursday, January 8, 2009
I was going to update when Cheuky beat me to it! Arg! LOL Okay, school is quite okay. With all the getting-used-to-things. Just that there is quite a lot of homework for the first few days of school. Okay not really. But nevermind. Teachers are quite okay. ._. Erm. Ya okay. Oh ya This week is the prayer and fasting week. :) Went to prayer meeting on Wednesday. :)
Arg tomorrow got art, means alot things to carry ):
The Little Nyonya rocks! :) So does Jeanette Aw :):)
First day of school
Friday, January 2, 2009
It was pretty much GOOD. OMGOSHOMGOSH. Because Ms Lim's our form teacher. :D Was real tired at school. Couldn't sleep at night, have been sleeping at 1am-2am these few days. ): The whole day was admin stuff. And filling out of profile thingy and changes. Most of our subject teachers remain the same. ._. And that each period is 35minutes now, which don't seem to make much difference cos on friday we end 10 minutes later. The school's all painted and a little renovated. :) You happy, I happy, we all happy. :D
New Year!
Thursday, January 1, 2009
WHOAAAAA! It's the new year! HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE! Another new archive, haha. 2009 here i come! :D
you gotta be true.
A wordy profile, but READ! :D
I am Rachel Sim and i love my name!
I know of 6 friends with the same name!(:
I am born on the 5th of June.
I am a Child of God and I am proud to say that!
I love me because i am faithfully and wonderfully made in His image! :D
♥ God, theEDGE, royal purple, amethyst, wisteria, kids! mango milk ice, fries, MnM's, gummies, skittles, dove amicelli, chocolates, photography, history, baking, making cards, morning glories.
wish upon a star
NLT Bible Christmas Cards! Purple Crumpler :D Purple Crocs :D Purple backpack :D Havaianas Slippers :D Converse :D Flats! (: DSLR! A new phone! An Ipod!
It was a pretty good one. Just that we didn't have much places to visit. On the first day, when to my maternal grandma's place. We just sit around and play. Eat goodies, and BAGUA! :D BAGUA good :) We played bingo, and had curry chicken and grandma's soup. LOL, i meant she always cook the same type of soup but its nice. :) And her curry chicken is yumyum too! :D Went home at late evening. Watched Little Nonya's big reunion. Hahaha. xD The next day, went to my grandmother's house again. Cos the other side of the family is coming. After, we went to erm, gu gong's house? Ate there, courtesy of Gugong. haha :D But almost all is like seafood :x Later went home and packed and slept. -.- As you can see, this year's chinese new year wasn't that fun for me. Actually its one of the worst cnys. lol okay nevermind. :D But at least there's 2 days break from school, they should at least make 3 days lor! xD
And yes, finally its friday, the end of the week. :D This week was okay. Just that a few changes to the parts i am playing for syf. Argh.
Busier Week
Saturday, January 24, 2009
This week had really been a busy week for me. Busier than last week. With all the assignments we need to hand up, Especially, reading log. All the late nights. ): Ahaha, finally it's over. The CNY performance too! :D I'm happy :) And i got hit in the face by a frisbee. That, no. -.- Ahh, just now go net. Then there's this cat who kept meow-ing. Ahh, then it like follow me, then i started running. After, i ran back to the lift and saw Jenna's maid, hurried to the lift, before the cat come in. AHH so scary. ._. Okay, nevermind. Had a great time at net! :D
Corporate Sunday Service
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Our positioning :)
Sorry for the super late update. Haha, been busy.
Corporate Service was funnnnn! Woke up a earlier, to catch the early bus for early people going early to help out. -.- I had ushering, so went earlier. :D Reported. Then got all the stuff, and went to book seats :D Later, we got into position. And greet those who were coming in. LOL, i forget what 'middle' in chinese is, and was trying to tell the lady that the chinese con. was in the 'zhong jian'. xD Later, service. :D After service, waited for the people to finish their work. Dismantling etc. Saw Jonan, soooo cuteee xD Omgoshy! :P Later we took the train down to Changi Airport. Almost every region was going to Popeye's We went to Popeye's for lunch! It is super nice, never try it before. Nicenice lor, but i was too full to drink the whole cup. ): Then we after finished, we went to the Viewing Hall 3. Where we played Murderer. Wahaha, funfunnn! We played until 4pm+ then we left for Choa Chu Kang. Wanted to compete who reach there the fastest, but in the end, they took the bus too. Reached evening service quite late. :x Alan Dass preached! :D I almost forget my paper bag after the service. XD Took the church bus home. :) Had lotsandlots of fun!
Happy Birthday Andrew!
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Although you got bird-shitted twice,
Plus, on your birthday! :x
God Bless Youuuuuuuu!
Have a blessed birthday! :D
Should let you try the peanut chew, haha.
But too bad, there's no more -.-
This is a very nice snack.
It doesn't look that nice, but it taste like Snickers!
With the sticky peanut filling inside and chocolate coating outside! :D
Yummm! :D
P.S: I have muscle cramps on my legs and hands. ): Painful. ):
" Sin will keep us from praying. Praying will keep us from sinning. "
2)Can R&S be together in BGR? [Rachel & Seraphine] --- They are girls :D 3)How is L related to you? [Lejia] ---Friend :D 4)Does Y know Z?? [Yeyu & Zhini] ---No 5)If C betrays you,will yo u kill him/her? [Cassandra] --- Maybe? :P 6)If K steals your boyfriend/girlfriend,wat would you do? [KaiQian] --- -.- 7)What if B tells u that he/she has a crush on you? [Bryan] --- LOL, she's a girl :D 8)Will you and M get into a fight? [MingHui] ---I don't think so? ... No?! :D 9)Who does R have a crush on? [Rachel] --- Mr Purple (Too!) 10)If G calls you a bitch,what would you do? [Germaine] --- Nothing? Cos she won't? -.- 11)What's the relationship between you and E? [Esther] --- She's my cousin. 12)Who is I' best friend? [Issac] -- Richard? Samuel? 13)Who does Z likes? [Zhini] ---I don't know. ._. 14)What colour does Y like?[Yeyu] --- Pink :D 15)Where does G lives? [Grace] --- Woodlands? 16)Did you and C have a fight Before? [Cassandra] --- Of course not. :D 17)Who is H's best Friend? [Herman] --- I don't know? 18)What can you say about T? [ Timothy ] --- Brother Derek's son 19)What if W tells you that he/she has a crush on you? [Wendy] --- HAHA, LOL. HAHAHAHA. SHE'S A GIRL! xD
20)Tag 10 ppl to do this quiz - Anyone who wants to do this :D
Busy Week
Friday, January 16, 2009
"Busy Busy dreadfully busy..." Sorry i just remembered that from VeggieTales XD Haha.
It has been a very busy 2nd week of school. VERY. With loads of homework, not really. But because of the rehearsals that cause me to go home late, and i dont have much time to do anything. ): But I'M COUNTING ON GOD! :D
Today, i got scratched by the razor in my father's van, that when he turned, my knee was on it, and it somehow got scratched, which hurts! ): I didn't notice it at first, until i like touched it, then eh o.o, why wetwet one. Blood, ahh pain -.- Now i going to have a injured right knee, and Cassy have a injured left leg. Haha, hi-five. :D
So a quick update before i rush to do my things and go to NET! (: Yes, it's friday! Muahaha, finally. Can sleep late today :D Haha. As you can see, i am trying to make my post lengthy. Cos its getting shorter and shorter each post. xD
Youth camp highlights
Saturday, January 10, 2009
If there's time, i'll load pictures. :x Oh ya, that's my group, JUSTICE, with the Fly kite cheer. Nice right. Haha.
Friday, January 9, 2009
Okay, i know i am a little late. But better late than never right? :D
Watchnight service was a blast! But it was blast-er than last year's. ._. The skit was shorter. ): They should act more xD Reached there. :) The place was packeeeeeed! Sat in the middle row. They have a few performances and stuff. First it was worship. :) Then the children's performances. I think the performance for the erm, what's that. The puppet show! It rocks! The song is superrrrrr cuteee! God is bigger than the buggi man, He's bigger than gozilla and the monster tv!~~ And the glow-in-the-dark thingy was cool too! Then it was this super cuteeeeee girl named Megan? 5 years old. She was playing the violin, erm the song was We are the reason - Avalon? So cool! See the video! :D And it was the winning team of 180 dance, Region11/12 performed. Their dance was cute, especially the starting part. :) There was games too. Don't forget the Christian lyrics. Hahahaha. Our region XD Then had some more worship. I went to the toilet halfway. Superrrr crowded. So ah-hem. Nevermind. x) Went back, had break, foood. But we queued so long, and almost all the food were gone. Aha, Nicholas so cuteee! x)))) Went back and sat on the floor. Because the chinese con. joined us. (: Had games, the one we played in youth camp'07. The spinning and doing the actions. ._. Then we had skit from the overseers. Haha, caring community. "The Good Sammiritan." So funny!!! Pastor Yeen Fun, LOL, Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah. HAHAHA. Then Pastor Han speaked he's last famine. Then the popper thingy popped before we even count down. And my watch beeped at 12am halfway when Pastor Han was preaching. xD Okay played with the confettis on the floor. Haha, got a purple balloon, which burst in my arms. And Kylie gave me hers :) Then it was burst by Nigel. -.- Okay. Nvm :) We later went to Yishun building for Movie-Makan night! First we went there, hanged around, talked. Before we left for Bukit Timah at 2am. For foood! Sat with Candy and Adilia :) Ate the teochew porridge Then bought some erm, teh bing. ._. Okay okay, but it was too sweet. Timothy suggested blowing into it which form bubbles. And it worked! So its just nice :) Then we sat the bus back. Then we started to play a few rounds of murderer! Which is so funnnnnnnnn! Polar bear edition. Supersupersupersupersupersupersuper fun! Then people started leaving and going to watch the different movies screening in the rooms. But we continued playing until it got so boring. :x I guessed we like played it the entire time there? Haha. But it was fun. Sooo tired. So we went home and i slept from 6am+ to like erm, 2pm+? Had alot of fun!!! :D
Thursday, January 8, 2009
I was going to update when Cheuky beat me to it! Arg! LOL Okay, school is quite okay. With all the getting-used-to-things. Just that there is quite a lot of homework for the first few days of school. Okay not really. But nevermind. Teachers are quite okay. ._. Erm. Ya okay. Oh ya This week is the prayer and fasting week. :) Went to prayer meeting on Wednesday. :)
Arg tomorrow got art, means alot things to carry ):
The Little Nyonya rocks! :) So does Jeanette Aw :):)
First day of school
Friday, January 2, 2009
It was pretty much GOOD. OMGOSHOMGOSH. Because Ms Lim's our form teacher. :D Was real tired at school. Couldn't sleep at night, have been sleeping at 1am-2am these few days. ): The whole day was admin stuff. And filling out of profile thingy and changes. Most of our subject teachers remain the same. ._. And that each period is 35minutes now, which don't seem to make much difference cos on friday we end 10 minutes later. The school's all painted and a little renovated. :) You happy, I happy, we all happy. :D
New Year!
Thursday, January 1, 2009
WHOAAAAA! It's the new year! HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE! Another new archive, haha. 2009 here i come! :D